• Authors
  • Keshmani Dhaniram-Gosine
Keshmani Dhaniram-Gosine

Meet Keshmani Dhaniram-Gosine

The Visionary Educator Behind Pennacool's Reinforcement Workbooks and Practice Tests

Keshmani Dhaniram-Gosine, renowned educator and principal of Gandhi Memorial APS Vedic School, has led with distinction, fostering a culture of academic excellence and achievement. Her tenure has seen consistent high performance in the SEA Examination, with numerous students achieving top rankings under her guidance. As the primary author and editor of Pennacool's Reinforcement Workbooks and Practice Tests, Keshmani's expertise and dedication shine through, ensuring educational resources of the highest caliber.

A Legacy of Success

Throughout her tenure as both teacher and principal, Keshmani has overseen remarkable achievements in academic performance, with students consistently excelling in the SEA Examination. Her leadership has cultivated a culture of excellence at Gandhi Memorial APS Vedic School, where every child is valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. Ajay Rameshwarsingh placed first in the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) in 2008. Jordana Mahabir placed second in 2017. In 2018, Saiesh Rampersad placed first and Jada Ramnath, second. Sushmita Ramsewak placed third in the 2020 SEA examination. Anushka Singh had the highest score in 2022.

Authorship and Innovation

Keshmani brings her wealth of experience and expertise to the realm of educational publishing. Her innovative approach to curriculum delivery ensures that Pennacool's resources are aligned with national standards and cater to the diverse learning needs of students. Through her meticulous attention to detail and commitment to educational quality, Keshmani has crafted indispensable tools for educators, parents, and students alike. Notably, her recent development and authorship of the esteemed Pennacool Creative Writing Series stands as a testament to her exceptional abilities and contributions to primary education in Trinidad and Tobago.