What is VCCE?

Values, Character and Citizenship Education (VCCE) is a sequenced set of learning experiences designed to help the student grow, develop and master values and concepts that are relevant for a 21st century caring, responsible citizen of our interdependent world.
Values, Character, and Citizenship education inculcates in students positive dispositions valued by society. These dispositions empower them to make informed moral decisions, to be responsible and caring citizens and to practise socially helpful behaviour.
Values, Character, and Citizenship Education incorporates beliefs and attitudes which contribute positively to the enrichment of the culture in which an individual resides and extends to the global community.
VCCE MOE Primary School Curriculum

Why Study Character Education?

Trinidad and Tobago is a rapidly growing society affected by global trends in technology, corporate life, and ever-increasing mobility and communication. As a result the family, school, community and country have seen traditional values strained. To facilitate the development in every young person the basic characteristics of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship requires an intentional approach to teaching and learning. These attributes are not only taught but required as part of the whole learning environment within the school and classroom. Such a program must be multidimensional to help students as citizens to think and act in ways that preserve and respect our heritage and protect our future. While enjoying a range of rights and privileges, a concomitant sense of identity and responsibility must be developed. The family, school and community must partner to address these challenges.

How is the VCCE Structured?

Teaching and learning these six key characteristics in a well-designed Character Education programme can follow the T.R.A.M. approach.

TEACH - Tell children that their character counts — that their success and happiness will depend on who they are inside, not what they have or how they look. Tell them that people of character know the difference between right and wrong because they guide their thoughts and actions by six basic rules of living.

REINFORCE - Instil the six pillars of character by rewarding good behaviour (usually, praise is enough) and by discouraging all instances of bad behaviour by imposing (or, in some cases, allowing others to impose) fair, consistent consequences that prove you are serious.

ADVOCATE - Continuously encourage children to live up to the Six Pillars of Character in all their thoughts and actions. Don’t be neutral about the importance of character or casual about improper conduct. Be clear and uncompromising that you want and expect students to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair, caring, and good citizens.

MODEL - Be careful and self-conscious about setting a good example in everything you say and do. Everything you do and don’t do, sends a message about your values. Be sure your messages reinforce your lessons about doing the right thing even when it is hard to do so. When you slip, act the way you want your students to behave when they act improperly — be accountable, apologize sincerely, and resolve to do better.